9 months into my Widow journey I went on a BLIND DATE? WHAT??
I was set up by a dear friend of mine Kerrissa, who just knew we would be good for one another.
To be honest, I didn't want to go… BUT I did! I even got there a bit early and waited for 10 minutes at the table by myself. Loosing my husband was the biggest tragedy in my life, the last thing I wanted to do was to put myself in a vulnerable moment even little ones like this and wait at a table all alone. I felt like all eyes on me, I might as well had a label on my forehead “WIDOW” ugh!
You know the saying, magic happens when you step outside of your comfort zone? I think we have all heard it before but it is so much easier to say than do.
When it comes down to it, most of us that if given the choice would rather choose the comfortable versus the uncomfortable even though the discomfort is what makes us grow. I mean, I would rather choose comfort! Just like after a hard work out you are sore, that is because your muscles are being torn so that they can grow and become bigger and stronger. Everyone loves the growth results but I have never met a person who is in love with the growth pains. I mean think about it, do you know someone who loves the idea of pain?
Back to my Blind Date….
It's not what you think…
For the cliff notes version of it … if Cliff Notes are still a thing, HA! If not, I am totally dating myself with that statement.
My Blind Date was a local-ish Mama Widow who was about 7 years ahead of her widow journey. A widow who I would eventually meet in Dallas at a NEVER ALONE WIDOWS conference. If you are a new mama widow with children in the home and are looking for support or a community, I would highly recommend connecting with NEVER ALONE WIDOWS. I am new to my journey, but I am already seeing how much of a community of encouragement they are equipping mamas with tangible ways to deal with their grief. My hope in going to this “blind date” was to connect and gain some insight on how to handle my immense grief and how to successfully navigate the grief of my children are carrying in hopes to help them too. If I could
walk away with just ONE tool to help my children then that would be worth me being uncomfortable! So throwing my comfort out the window I went.
While getting ready for my blind date with another widow mom, I realize that our paths have crossed only because of my husbands passing. This is not a story that I ever wanted for me and my kids life. I was now part of a club that I never wanted to be part of but I wasn't alone, it was a club that many other mamas just like me were trying to navigate through and the blind date was proof of just that!
So I Went..not because I wanted to go, because I needed to go! For me…for my kids for US!
To be honest I didn't want to go, somehow meeting someone I had never met that had a similar tragic story of loosing their person too was just too much. I remember feeling sick, like literally physically sick just thinking about it. Would it feel forced, would it be awkward, would it be uncomfortable… yes yes and more yes but it was worth all of those things because I was able to meet with someone who gets me and gets my life of being a mom to grieving children.
We sat and talked for 4 hours! 4 hours of solid conversation that keep going and going without a stall or pause. Undoubtedly, we easily could have sat there for four more hours. That young mama widow stranger became a sweet friend who we connected with about our amazing husbands, parenting, life and tragedies. That 4 hours was full of tears, laughter, and hope amongst our grief.
Was it uncomfortable? HECK YES it was!
If I had never gone because I was afraid or uncomfortable then I would have never been able to relate a to another mama widow who was carrying a similar load ahead of me on her grief journey who was able to speak life in the midst of my tragic season of loss and provide an ounce of hope.
So let this be your reminder friend, don't do things because you want to do them do them because you know you need to!
Life is full of adventure isn't? It isn't always full of good times…rainbows or unicorns, but I believe even in the bad He can turn your mess into His Message. You just have to be willing for Him to do so.
Fast forward….there is so much more of a story here and I will share that BEHIND THE SCENES story HERE!
To hear my emotional raw heart on this uncomfortable step you can listen in below.
Every morning, I wake up and share a bit of my heart on my socials. If you are not following me on instagram, you can do so HERE and in this season specifically I am sharing my grief journey. Praying that I can share hope in the midst of my pain and how you too can find purpose in the midst of your valley by remembering Whose you are and who holds you! For those who would like to take a listen you can do so daily on my Instagram HERE
So thankful for your encouragement each day 🥹your support means the world to me.
Your sip of encouragement – BUT GOD MUG HERE

I am excited to announce, I have started my very own Crazy Busy Mama mug collection. Each one of these mugs have my signature exclusive signature on them. You can check them out HERE and you can SNAG IT your favorite – Each one of my designs comes with my CBM signature with a 💗✝️ on each. I hope you enjoy having coffee with me each morning and these exclusive CBM designs encourage you to put your best foot forward each day!
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