Are you an exhausted parent of a tween, teen or young adult? I am with you! It is the most challenging yet rewarding season of motherhood! Remember the “littles” stage or newborns, babies, toddlers not sleeping through the night? Yup it's similar to that however you can't just nurse those babies and put them to bed or kiss those bo-bo's away like you could when they were little. These tweens into young adults they are making decisions for themselves that will make a lasting impact on who they are becoming and who they will eventually become. Check out this coffee chat about “ROOTs & Wings”, not sure I can technically call it a coffee chat since I wasn't holding a cup of my favorite brew and it was more of an afternoon talking myself off the ledge kind of chat, but non the less I believe every mama will be able to relate to at least in due time.
The night before this particular coffee chat, my home was filled with teens into the wee hours of the morning. I had already been up from super early the day before running my teen to and fro after school and I was exhausted and ready for bed and in walks a handful of teens wanting a place to hang so I never say no to this, but I made a commitment when it was a mix of boys and girls I will not allow myself to just go to bed. This particular night was a mix of that so I stayed true to my commitment, but I did eventually ask the young men to leave so this exhausted mama could get some rest.
So if you are trying to figure out how to get rest and a good nights sleep in this season of motherhood, YOU are NOT ALONE!
This season of motherhood is a big learning curve for me, especially after the sudden loss of my best friend and husband for almost 25 years. I would always make the joke when I become a new mama in the thick of it with 4 kids under 5 and diapers up to my eyeballs, that I would gladly take this season of motherhood it was the teenage years that kept me awake at night and he reassured me that he would have no issues taking that season over, and well now I am doing it alone and it is not only exhausting but it is scary. I have to remind myself constantly that he is cheering me on even though he is not physically here and he was the most amazing father who constantly poured wisdom into my children that helped to make them who they are today. That wisdom he so graciously poured out over our children, we now today call Q'ism's!
Teens and young adults especially will start to make decisions that won't be yours, and things may happen or get broken like I talk about below in my “Even When” coffee chat but regardless of those decisions of circumstances they will never change the love you have your kiddo.
Just love our heavenly Father, His love is a gift! He doesn't love us more today or less tomorrow because of a wrong doing or a life circumstance. His Love is unwavering and never fading! He loves us the same today as yesterday and tomorrow!
Life can be SO HARD friends, but even through the difficulties of this season of motherhood there are so many blessings! My kids are my kids, not matter their age or decisions they make or don't make I will love them unconditionally. God has equipped me to be their mom to help raise them to who He has created them to be. So if you are ever in doubt about being qualified, I don't know a mother that hasn't felt this way from time to time but never doubt you are the most perfect mama for your kiddos! God chose YOU to be their mom, so when you don't know the next step to take lean into His understanding NOT yours and take those steps one right after the next allowing Him to lead you every step of the way.

Even When
Never doubt the love of your heavenly Father.
There is nothing my kids could do that would make me love them less. Now imagine if this is the love you feel for your own kids how He not only feels about you but your children too!
This is the same yet even more perfected love that our Heavenly Father, God love you with! He loves you and he wants to hold you lead you in those most difficult moments, you just have to allow Him to!
For those of you who want to hear me expand on this, below I open up about this season of life.
New to my BLOG? I am sharing more and more about my vulnerable grief journey with my unexpected loss of my BELOVED QUINTIN HERE I am doing my best to navigate our incredible loss and be then mom I need to be to our 4 children who are in the depths of their grief too.
What is your “Even When” moment…
What is your “Even When or Even There” moment? It could be trying to navigate this unknown season of motherhood, season of loneliness in your life, or in the depths of your deepest despair. Will you be willing to trust Him to let Him guide you?
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3:5-7
I am reminded in my depths of despair this bible song growing up in church that is tied to Proverbs 3:5-7, “He will lead you, He will guide you He will help you understand (2X), In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He will direct thy path” So when I doubt I sing it to the top of my lungs in hope for a transformation of head to heart transfer. I don't wait until I feel it but believe it even in my human doubts.
Wether you feel it or not, He has a PLAN For your life. Acknowledge you can't do it alone and ask for His guidance and He will freely give it to you.
He Loves you and wants to lead you! Even through those valleys and EVEN When or There moments….
Even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast
Psalm 139:10

THIS MUG above was designed with every Crazy Busy Mama in mind… I don't know a mom cant relate with this and needing a bit of a reset. “My Brain has TOO MANY TABS OPEN” If you find yourself needing a little more inspo in the morning you can GRAB this MUG HERE.
Every morning, I wake up and share a bit of my heart on my socials. If you are not following me on instagram, you can do so HERE and in this season specifically I am sharing my grief journey. Praying that I can share hope in the midst of my pain and how you too can find purpose in the midst of your valley by remembering Whose you are and who holds you! For those who would like to take a listen you can do so below.
So thankful for your encouragement each day 🥹your support means the world to me.
I am excited to announce, I have started my very own Crazy Busy Mama mug collection. Each one of these mugs have my signature exclusive signature on them. You can check them out HERE and you can SNAG IT your favorite – Each one of my designs comes with my CBM signature with a 💗✝️ on each. I hope you enjoy having coffee with me each morning and these exclusive CBM designs encourage you to put your best foot forward each day!
god bless you