Donut Hole Christmas Tree 


This little tree is such a hit for any gathering over the holiday season! Simple to put together and will add such a pop to that holiday spread!

Here is how I did it:


2 dozen donut holes 

Powdered sugar 

Small styrofoam cone 

Saran Wrap 



Powdered sugar 


Cover the Styrofoam cone with Saran Wrap then grab each donut hole and grab a toothpick for each. Then start placing each donut hole all over the tree until you get the cone covered. 

Once cone is covered with donuts tuck in rosemary to fill in gaps  you can use as little or as much as you like. 

Then sift a small amount of powdered sugar over the top. 

You’ll have the cutest and most delicious centerpiece for your table. Place it on a wooden tray and then grab some garland and put it around to even add a bit more of a festive flair! 

For those who want a step by step tutorial check my video out below!


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